Monday, November 9, 2009
Hero project reflection
A hero becomes a hero because they look out for people that need help at anytime and are available for them. A hero becomes one cause, to be there in good and bad times and to always be positive towards the person that there,helping in good comments or in any other way.
2. What was the Hero in My Eyes project?
The hero in my eyes project was that we were suppose to choose someone in our life that we thought was a hero,and we had to have a reason behind that not just say my mom or dad or whatever is a hero to me you had to have detail and all that. And we had to choose one moment of that person that made them who they are a hero to you, the reason why is because in our writings we had to only do one moment. But we had to make sure by the end of our story it told us why that person is your hero.
3. What steps did you take to get to the final product?
Well my computer was not working right and i couldn't pass the pictures so sometimes i would stay after school, and just finish or just go home and get information on my dad and for the writings there would be lots of errors in it and the teacher would correct and i had to redo some parts not the whole thing. But it was that hard it was alright.
4. What did you learn? What challenges did you encounter? What would you do the same or different? How will this help you later?
This project made me look more into my dads life and learn more cause i would just know the little bits and not the whole thing, when i interviewed him i realized that he had passed through the things he did and yeah, and now he has changed with his work stuff he has to do now he's more responsible cause he owns it and he has to watch that they do there work and get done. This is going to help me in the future and stuff with my writings. The way this would help me later is because I used a little bit more sensory detail so that’s a sign that my writing is improving.
5. would say I used wonder. The reason for that is because when I was writing and interviewing my dad and stuff I would wonder to my self why my dad would do this, why would she do that. What if she never did this how would I be. So it made me wonder a lot. And also when I was writing I would wonder what I should put in my writing since I had so much. So those are the ways that I used wonder in this project.
Character Sketch Link:
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Character Sketch

The reason why I keep trying
He would always suffer his house would over flow with water he would overcome his situations by working with what he had and that was available at the moment for him, they weren’t the greatest things in the world but he was always unique he was kind and always stayed simple he was never greedy, because he would always say god did things for a reason.
Really he would suffer of so many things like not having food at the table and at the point that you would be dying but what, could you do? Nothing really with any money he would just hope for the best and let life come. None of his birthdays were celebrated nor his brothers and sisters, no present his shelter was as small as a room, it was only 4 walls and it was a 4x4 thing it was made out of bricks, and the roof was made out of cardboard, no bathroom they used outside to do there necessities no toilet paper so they used plants, “at moments I would feel really poor with nothing, nothing was given to me I had to work really hard for it I felt that I couldn’t stand with this life no more that god gave me, but hard times always come and I knew I had to stick with it”.
He learned a lot of things when he was in the circumstances that he was in before. He said he felt as happy as a little boy riding his bike, yeah it’s weird but he was like that with what he had he was thankful for it, because if you aren’t thankful then who will be. His brother and him were close and still are but his brothers never relied on him and which was good for him because he said that he would tell them, “I’m not going to be there for you guys all the time” he said with a really deep and serious face.
He would depend on himself working for money to buy things for the house, his dad left them at the age of 8 or 9 “that didn’t really affect me in anyway cause he would abuse us not violently but taking away most or our food and not do nothing to bring food, he would only sleep he wouldn’t wake up to go to work, he wouldn’t bring money to the house nothing”. They would get the size of a pinky portion of food he felt as desperate at times like a mother loosing its child; the good thing was that he had his brothers with him at all time, there to tell him what he was wrong on what he had to improve.
He was the 2nd oldest of his brothers but he felt like the oldest one because after his dad left he maintained his family united after all those struggles he went through he grew as a person and to be a dad. Through out his whole life he had falls and got up again with that same strength and anger he has helped us though are journey.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Literary Devices

Catching the signal from one of her friends Angela brushed her skirt, took a deep breath and walked towards where he was sitting. With a great sigh letting herself breath, as she walked her friend she saw a homeless man begging for food or money and then this thing comes running towards the man and as the picture comes closer and gets clearer, it was a little two year old kid with a piece of bread in his hand, as the wise man stretched out his hand the little boy handed the food to him the man was as happy as a mother having its first baby. I smiled because hopefully everybody would be like that and think not on them first but on other people that are in more need then them, he looked like a puppy running towards its mother to get milk off her tired chest. I got to were my friend was he looked a little torn apart, i asked him what was wrong with him why was he like that, he answered saying that his parents were getting a divorce he never thought that this would happen so dramatically so fast that he couldn't even see it coming. He felt stupid for letting this happen just like that he thought that he was the responsible one for this, but then he would think it could of been my father fault for this happening but then it came to him I'm not a selfish person i have no hard feelings towards him; i know that he would do the impossible to make are family more united and last longer. But i made him re-think and i know Richard will make the right decision because i knew him since we were in elementary, he always used to protect me and help me on anything he was the best est thing that happened to me i cared for him and he cared for me, and now that i see him like this makes me think about the past of me and him. He was an example for me really strong like a brick of cement,and now that he's broken I'm like sitting here broken to because i feel how he feels. I hugged him really tight till his tears stopped falling down his checks...
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sensory detail sound

It started off as a radio channel losing its signal like a child trying to find there mom in an autumn day, with the breeze coming back and forth and the leaves that sway with it. like if they were being told by a general move that way and fast, like if it were a race car and it turned on its engine and he has been given the sign to go as it dashes through the whole track. then as the beat becomes louder and faster sounded like one of those techno or hardcore concerts with young teenager as center of attention like jumping jelly beans,And the sound just disappears and fast like a child wanting there birthday to come and soon as you know it, the big day is here and it just passes away fast and leaves.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009

That day was exciting but at the same time, sad I had to say good bye to all of those memories and the house that I grew up in. As we packed our things and putting them in boxes I was thinking dang it’s to much things to put away, my mom was telling us what to do all day and all night putting things away everyday but this day was the last one. We woke up early I felt everything all blurry as if someone sprayed water at my eyes and it would take me a while to be able to see clear, I felt dizzy, lost, because I was there at the moment but my mind wasn’t packing all thoughts things felt like if I was a banding something important to me but I knew I was going to be better were I was going to be moving a space of our own and we would be having more privileges. As we went back to thank the owners for everything they did, it really got to my family and me that we were leaving the house that meant a lot to us.
As we approached them tears came down my moms face and I could tell that it meant a lot to her. All those years of ups and downs they were there for anything that we needed, as I saw the tears roll down my moms face, I felt this pain inside of her. A second later I notice my eyes getting watery as well as my older sister and my Tia Raquel. After we thanked the owners for everything they did for us, all four of us including my dad went to go say our good byes to their kids. We also invited them to come visit us at our new house, and told them that if they ever need anything they could call us and we would be available. As we walked out we had accomplished all those years of happiness and problems and troubles but have been there for each other and that’s what matters.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
The Locker Problem
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Favorite Fictional Heros

Friday, September 4, 2009
What is math?what is mysics?
Well i think physics is energy and motions like the matter of things. I think we are doing mixed like some problems on math have to do with a little physics. You can find physics in light bulbs,anything that needs energy to work or something. I don't really know who uses it I'm guessing car electrician.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
30 Things you don't know about me
- Like to meet new people
- My dads fish died
- My cousin is staying with us 3yrs.
- I Like to text
- And to be on the computer[sometimes]
- Moving
- Love shoes and clothes:)
- Like ice cream
- Social
- Have lots of bestfriends
- My b-day is on the 13th of june
- My favorite color is blue
- My favorite numbers are 13,15
- I love to party
- I like to listen to music
- I used to have 2 dogs
- i have gone to Veracruz and Mexico DF
- I have 6 piercings
- Love the ones that love me back
- I baby sit
- I used to go to htmma
- Hopefully moving schools to Mores or Valhalla
- I have a bird
- I have a myspace:)
- I have a hotmail
- I have neighbors
- I love my pocho and pochas:)
- Im mexican
- I like to chew gum
- And I like to hangout