Wednesday, January 13, 2010
Gaming in 2010
They have invented a smart button that sends your character where you want him to go with the fewest button pushes, so then there will be no more getting stuck on a table or behind a crate, a quirk of older first-person games. It falls under technology.
2. What's the big deal with this topic? Why should you care about its developments and any new discoveries that are made?
That it will save you time when your playing. Because eventually it will sell and be a helpful thing, to the ones that are addicted.
3. What's going to happen to this topic in 2010?
It will get big and meager that they will start inventing other things like that.
4. What obstacles or setbacks are in the way of this topic's success?
I think nothing bad will happen but, they'll start getting tired of it and not use it and it will get old.
TV on the Go
That they are sending TV live to cellphones, netbooks, and other mobile devices as well. It falls under entertainment.
2. What's the big deal with this topic? Why should you care about its developments and any new discoveries that are made?
That it you don't need to be at your house watching that big screen, if you need to be somewhere else you could watch your favorite show or whatever on your cellphone, or even on a netbook.
3. What's going to happen to this topic in 2010?
Many people are going to be crazy about this new thing and get it, then it'll get old and something better will come up.
4. What obstacles or setbacks are in the way of this topic's success?
I think a difficulty would be something wrong happening to the connection, when the company etc. already sold and it starts going wrong.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Humanities goals

- To get a good grade on every vocab test
Step: stay in for office hours to get help,and understand the words/ study at home for an hour - Get better at editing my writings
Step: to ask for advice on what should i do, to change and so that my writing is better - Pay attention Step: to raise my hand when the teacher explains something and i don't get it then ask so i will get it later by myself.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Minoans Art & Architecture
Although the Minoan civilization was eventually destroyed by a tidal wave, the lasting beauty of their art and architecture show a happy, successful people. The Minoans lived in
You could really tell they would take there time and enjoy what they would do because basically all the paintings, and frescos would be on animals and nature. They really liked animals and appreciated them since they live close and basically with those two things around them. My society the Minoans are unique because on there own they would do art pieces like frescos, pottery as I said, and they care for animals. Plus there pottery in the early period ceramics where characterized by linear patterns of spirals, triangles, curved lines, crosses, fishbone motifs. In the middle period it was naturalistic designs such as fish, squid, birds, and lilies. In the late period it was flowers, and animals but the variability had increased so it changed a little. [1]
They succeeded at doing frescos because they would turn out really pretty, and the strong sturdy architecture they would do for example there palaces and columns, the palaces where constructed at the end of the early Minoan period in the third millennium BC; they were built in different locations the oldest palaces only had one story and no representative facades, they were u-shaped with a big central court, and were smaller then the palaces done later on, it would change more and look better.
Then for the columns they would be unique and which were wider at the top than the bottom, creating an illusion of greater height, the columns were also made out of wood and stone and where painted red and they were just put on a simple stone base and topped with a pillow-like round piece as a capital. Another thing they succeeded at was there writing they invented, and they called it Linear A. [2] [3]
I think the Minoans weren’t weak or didn’t need more of, but the only time they were, was when a tidal wave washed out there civilization where they were living at. If they would have done a giant wall to cover then it wouldn’t have happened and with good material, but other then that they would always succeed.
Although the Minoans where destroyed by their own environment they are overall successful because after all that had happened there art and what they did showed happy, the opposite and detailed. How I know is because the water came in and washed out there civilization and did a mess. But even after all those things they did the impossible and did even more then they expected and succeeded at that.
They showed excellence in what they would do and always try or do right, there architecture was sturdy and simple but good quality they invented there own writing which was called Linear A which they would use to communicate with themselves they loved nature and animals, they were successful.
“Minoan Civilization.” 3 Dec. 2009. Wikipedia. 7 Dec. 2009
Pellegrino, Charles. Unearthing Atlantis: An Archeologist Odyssey Foreword by Arthur C. Clarke.
Stolyarov ll, G. “History of Minoan Civilization of Ancient
Hooker, Richard. “History of the Minoans.” World Civilizations. 1996. Nov. 23 2009.
Hooker, Richard. “The Palace Civilizations of the
Semester Academic goals Mysics
- to get good grades in all my science and math tests.
step: to review my notes on science and math - to participate more/raising my hand
step: raising my hand, and not think that its going to be a stupid question. - ask for help/and actually take notes and get things
step: in class pay more attention in what the teacher is teaching,so then later on ask her what i didn't get and it will be easier for me.
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
all of us had to paint a drawing on to the pillars that are in the commons that represented your theme you were doing like for me an ex. art&architecture was mine and i was going to paint a man that was royal from back then but changed it to some red columns they had in the palaces.
How i got to the final product was by doing sketches of how my drawing and what my idea was, so that when i passed it to the pillar i didn't have that much trouble to do it.
I learned that always you have to sketch out what you have in mind, so that there won't be no mistakes. Some challenges i encountered were one my drawing it didn't turn out to be the one i had on my sketch,because i found it harder to paint it. Something different i would do is my pillar to not sketch out something and not do the same drawing or do it but do a easier drawing that really represents my civilization. Later on it will help me to be organized and know what I'm going to do and do it.
TT Essay
We each had a group of 4 and, we had to choose what each person was going to research on, like what were the Minoans art&architecture things that were a success and also for, government, culture, technology.
To get to the final product i reviewed my papers and what i thought would make sense another way and, sound better i would change and ask the teacher or my friends.
i learned to go back and double check because there will always be mistakes no piece of writing you do is perfect the 1st time you have to keep reviewing it till you think you have given your best est, some challenges i had was the bibliography, and how to put foot notes. What i would do different is to go up to the teacher more and ask on what else do i need because i turned my paper stayed after school for the foot notes and add more to my paper but it didn't give me the grade i was looking forward to so i would change that. That will help me later on so that i won't have to go up to the teacher and ask again what others have already asked before me to depend on me and what i know and how to review and do my papers.
research paper