Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Gaming in 2010

1. A brief summary of the topic. What is it? What field of research does it fall under?
They have invented a smart button that sends your character where you want him to go with the fewest button pushes, so then there will be no more getting stuck on a table or behind a crate, a quirk of older first-person games. It falls under technology.

2. What's the big deal with this topic? Why should you care about its developments and any new discoveries that are made?
That it will save you time when your playing. Because eventually it will sell and be a helpful thing, to the ones that are addicted.

3. What's going to happen to this topic in 2010?
It will get big and meager that they will start inventing other things like that.

4. What obstacles or setbacks are in the way of this topic's success?
I think nothing bad will happen but, they'll start getting tired of it and not use it and it will get old.

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